
Acts: Verse by Verse is unavailable, but you can change that!

The events in the book of Acts changed our world forever. Following his account of Jesus’ life and ministry in his Gospel, Luke recounts the formation of the early church in Acts. And while the apostles appear to be at the center of this narrative, all of their work is done through the presence and guidance of the Holy Spirit. In every chapter in Acts, we see Spirit-empowered apostles sharing...

in God’s salvation and in that new messianic reality identified with the Spirit’s taking up residence in every believer (Rom 8:14–17). The mission of Jesus to the nations is to be completed by the church, but the church must be empowered by the Spirit to successfully accomplish that directive. So they must wait for God to fulfill his promise and send the Spirit to provide that impetus. In Luke, the ascension entailed the doxological end of Jesus’ earthly ministry, as he blessed his followers and
Pages 25–26